
zaterdag 31 juli 2010

Peru: Defense of Joran van der Sloot may be trying to plead insanity

The defense of Dutch national Joran van der Sloot may be trying to allege that he is insane, thus not indictable of the killing of Stephany Flores, reports local press.

The latest public declarations of his Peruvian lawyer, Máximo Altez, stress that van der Sloot is “a sick person.”

During an interview for a local TV news program, Altez emphasized that “any psychiatric assessment performed on him, either here or in any other country, will indicate that Joran is a sick person.”

However, reports issued by Peruvian psychologists that actually talked to van der Sloot state that he does not suffer from any mental disorder that prevents him from being conscious of his actions, indicating that he has “an intelligence among normal ranges, and can distinguish right from wrong.”

Specialists interviewed by the same TV news program remarked that van der Sloot did not lose consciousness when he committed murder, and it is not possible to say that he was carried away by an violent emotion.

Van der Sloot, charged with the murder of Stephany Flores and still the main suspect of the disappearance of US teen Natalee Holloway, is currently jailed in Castro Castro prison in Lima, waiting for his trial.


Joran Van Der Sloot Investigated for Trafficking Thai Women

Joran Van der Sloot, the 22-year-old Dutch playboy who is the main suspect in the high profile murders of Natalie Holloway and Stephany Flores already has the governments of the U.S., Aruba, and Peru pretty livid. But now, he can add Thailand to that list, as Thai authorities are currently investigating him for being part of a human trafficking ring. And if Van der Sloot really did lead a trafficking ring, it's possible he has claimed other, unknown victims.

After escaping the first round of charges for Natalie Holloway's murder/disappearance in 2008, Van der Sloot allegedly fled to Thailand. There, he adopted an alias and began telling young women he was a production assistant for a modeling company. He offered them modeling work in Europe with his company, a company that did not exist. He convinced several young women to travel to Europe this way. Some of them came back to Thailand, their modeling dreams unfulfilled. Some were never heard from again. Did the women Van der Sloot send from Thailand to Europe end up in the sex industry? Police are still uncertain, but it certainly wouldn't be the first time a fake modeling offer was used as a cover for human trafficking.

If Van der Sloot really is a serial killer or violent sociopath, as some have theorized, then his involvement in a human trafficking ring may mean Holloway and Flores were not his only victims. Trafficked women are often estranged from families and friends (either before or as a result of the trafficking), making them easier to abuse. That also makes it easier for them to disapear. Natalie Holloway and Stephany Flores were both young women from families of means with strong connections, who have made sure their murders are investigated. But if ten poor Thai women take modeling contracts in Europe and only nine make it there, fewer people will notice. A trafficking ring would be an ideal place for a killer to prey on unprotected victims anonymously.

Thai law enforcement are currently pursuing criminal charges against Van der Sloot, who is still being held in a Peruvian jail for Stephany Flores's murder. He is also still being investigated by U.S. and Aruban police for Natalie Holloway's murder. So even if Thailand can find enough evidence to charge Van der Sloot with human trafficking, they're going to have to wait in what's becoming a pretty long line.


Van der Sloot's former attorney rejects lawsuit claims

Joran van der Sloot sued attorney Luz Marina Romero Chinchay earlier this month.STORY HIGHLIGHTS
Luz Marina Romero Chinchay was Joran van der Sloot's first attorney
She says he hired her verbally
Van der Sloot has sued her, alleging that she was imposed on him
Romero says accusations in lawsuit against her are not true.

(CNN) -- The attorney who represented Joran van der Sloot during his confession in the case of the killing of a Peruvian woman says that van der Sloot hired her to be his attorney, contradicting a claim he makes in a pending lawsuit.

Van der Sloot, currently in a Peruvian prison pending an appeal on a motion that his incarceration and confession were illegal, sued attorney Luz Marina Romero Chinchay earlier this month. The Dutch citizen claims that Romero was imposed on him and that she became involved because she was in a relationship with a police officer, according to his current attorney, Maximo Altez.

In an exclusive interview with HLN and "In Session," Romero refutes the allegations.

Contrary to the accusations in the lawsuit, Romero said she became involved with van der Sloot after learning that he refused a state-appointed attorney and requested a private attorney.

"I asked (van der Sloot) if he wanted my services and he said yes," Romero said. "I told him the on-duty defense attorney was present and I asked him if he wanted to give a statement through them. He said no, he wanted a private defense attorney."

Van der Sloot wanted to talk to her about the case, she said, but felt uncomfortable with the others in the room -- the prosecutor, a police officer and a translator.

After the others left, the two reached a verbal agreement that she would represent him. Romero remembers asking him about payment. He replied that his mother would pay his legal fees. Then, the others returned to the room and he gave his confession to authorities.

Now, van der Sloot alleges that he never agreed to have Romero as his attorney.

Another contradiction that Romero brought forward involves van der Sloot's knowledge of Spanish. According to the motion to dismiss his confession as illegal, van der Sloot alleges that he didn't understand Spanish enough to know what he was being told to sign.

Romero said their conversation was in perfect Spanish.

According to Romero, van der Sloot was calm during his statement and afterwards spoke with his mother on the phone. Her advice, Romero said, was her son not make any statements or sign anything. But it was too late.

Van der Sloot also told Romero that he was interested in talking about the case of missing Alabama teen Natalee Holloway in Aruba, where he is a suspect, because he thought it might get him extradited to Aruba.

Referring to his new legal strategy, Romero said, "I think every attorney does his work differently, they have their own professional ethic. I respect this professional (Altez) but his actions point to (wanting) to nullify the preliminary investigation. But like I said he had all the guarantees of the due process."

She also questioned the truthfulness of van der Sloot. For instance, when he signed some documents after talking to his mother, Romero noticed that he signed very differently than what he signed on the police statement, she said.

"I told him, 'you signed differently' and he winked his eye and made a silence signal with his hands," Romero said.

She added, "God will clarify everything and I will rest at peace that my innocence in respect to the charges that this man has against me will be made public -- saying that I was working with authorities to lie to this Dutchman -- which is not true."


Artsen: Joran vertoont psychopatische trekjes

LIMA - Volgens artsen in Peru is Joran van der Sloot een impulsieve man met psychopathische trekjes, maar is hij zich bewust van de gevolgen van zijn handelingen. Dat blijkt uit een medisch rapport, waarover Peruaanse media maandag (lokale tijd) berichten.

De artsen onderzochten hem in de zwaar beveiligde gevangenis Miguel Castro Castro in de hoofdstad Lima, waar hij zijn proces afwacht. Het medisch rapport is overgedragen aan de rechter.

Joran van der Sloot (22) wordt ervan verdacht de Peruaanse Stephany Flores (21) op 30 mei in zijn hotelkamer in Lima te hebben vermoord. Tijdens de eerste ondervraging in het proces op 21 juni zei Joran niets. Eerder had hij een bekentenis afgelegd, maar die trok hij later weer in.

Begin deze maand is Joran in de Verenigde Staten ook aangeklaagd voor afpersing. Volgens justitie eiste Joran een bedrag van 250.000 dollar (ruim 200.000 euro) van de moeder van het vermiste meisje Natalee Holloway. In ruil voor dat geld zou hij de locatie van haar lichaam onthullen. Natalee verdween op 30 mei 2005 op Aruba. Joran is hoofdverdachte in de zaak.


Vermoorde Stephany had casinowinst op zak

ORANJESTAD/LIMA — De Peruaanse studente Stephany Flores zou ruim 11.000 dollar casinowinst op zak hebben gehad, toen zij op 31 mei om het leven werd gebracht in de hotelkamer van Joran van der Sloot in Lima. Dit geld is echter nog steeds niet teruggevonden. Dit schrijft althans gokmagazine Gambling911 op basis van bronnen bij de politie.

De 21-jarige Flores werd op 2 juni levenloos aangetroffen in een kamer in het hotel Tac in Miraflores, een wijk in Lima, Peru. Ze bleek twee dagen eerder op gewelddadige wijze te zijn omgebracht. De hotelkamer stond op naam van Joran. Het tweetal had elkaar volgens getuigen en camerabeelden kort daarvoor ontmoet in een naburig casino, waar ze pokeren speelden. Ze waren samen zijn hotelkamer ingegaan, waar Joran op de ochtend van de moord alleen naar buiten kwam. Dat bleek uit beelden van beveiligingscamera’s.

Na de ontdekking van het lijk bleek dat Van der Sloot ondertussen richting Chili was gevlucht. Op verzoek van de Peruaanse overheid werd hij op 3 juni in Chili gearresteerd. Vervolgens werd de moordverdachte uitgezet naar Peru. Daar werd hij opgepakt en ingesloten. Momenteel zit Van der Sloot in voorarrest in de beruchte Castro Castro gevangenis in afwachting van het moordproces. Hij heeft de moord bekend, maar verklaarde later de bekentenis onder dwang te hebben afgelegd.

Wanneer Van der Sloot veroordeeld wordt voor roofmoord, staat hem maximaal 35 jaar gevangenisstraf te wachten. Als roof echter niet bewezen kan worden, kan hij tot maximaal 15 jaar cel worden veroordeeld voor doodslag. Juridische experts ter plaatse verwachten dat een uitspraak in deze zaak nog wel twee jaar op zich laat wachten. Het is nog onbekend wanneer de rechtszaak van start gaat. Door het overbelaste rechtssysteem in Peru komt het regelmatig voor dat verdachten langdurig in voorarrest zitten.


Joran klaagt ook vertaler aan

AMSTERDAM - Joran van der Sloot heeft zijn advocaat en de vertaler die aanwezig waren tijdens de verhoren en bij zijn bekentenis van de moord op Stephany Flores, officieel aangeklaagd.

Zijn nieuwe advocaat, Maximo Altez, liet voor de Peruaanse televisie de aanklacht met de handtekening van Van der Sloot zien.

De advocaat van Van der Sloot, Marina Romero, werd al eerder door haar voormalig cliënt aangeklaagd.

Volgens Altez is nooit duidelijk geworden wie Romero aan Van der Sloot had toegewezen. De politie zou haar erbij hebben gehaald, terwijl Van der Sloot volgens de Peruaanse wet een eigen of een pro-Deoadvocaat had moeten krijgen.

Geen officiële vertaler

Uit een brief van de Nederlandse ambassade zou blijken dat de vertaler, Maurice Steins, geen officiële vertaler is die door de ambassade is aangewezen. Volgens Altez zou hij bepaalde juridische terminologie niet beheersen.

De politie heeft volgens Altez de bekentenis van de moord op Flores, op 30 mei in een hotelkamer in Lima, afgedwongen. Van der Sloot was volgens zijn advocaat bang omdat de politie gedreigd zou hebben zijn hoofd onder water te houden. Ook zou hem beloofd zijn dat hij na zijn bekentenis naar Aruba mocht vertrekken.

Bekentenis ingetrokken

Van der Sloot, die vastzit in de zwaar bewaakte Miguel Castro Castro gevangenis in de Peruaanse hoofdstad, heeft inmiddels zijn bekentenis weer ingetrokken. Als hij wordt veroordeeld, ziet hij een celstraf van tussen de 15 en 35 jaar tegemoet.


Voormalig Justitie minister Croes:‘Oneens met rapport OM’

ORANJESTAD — Voormalig minister van Justitie, Rudy Croes, is het oneens met de conclusies van het feitenonderzoek naar de rol van oud-korpschef Jan van der Straten in de Holloway-zaak. “Als er geen correctie komt dan voel ik mij verplicht om op te schrijven wat er allemaal gebeurd is, zodat iedereen de precieze toedracht te weten komt”, aldus Croes tegen Amigoe.

Croes zegt dat hij momenteel bezig is met een autobiografie over zijn 21-jarige politieke loopbaan. “Als er geen correctie komt op het rapport, dan zal ik deze affaire daarin zeker opnemen. Dat zal een zwarte bladzijde worden.” De oud-minister wilde echter geen reactie geven op de uitlatingen van Van der Straten. Deze zei gisteren tegen Amigoe dat hij zich samen met zijn advocaat aan het beraden is of hij verdere stappen wil ondernemen om zijn naam te zuiveren. Van der Straten liet doorschemeren dat hij met een excuus ook genoegen zou nemen.

Croes gaf eind 2008 scherpe kritiek op de voormalige korpschef. Van der Straten zou volgens Croes het onderzoek naar de verdwijning van Natalee Holloway tijdens het cruciale beginstadium bewust hebben gehinderd. Naar aanleiding van deze kritiek, gelastte procureur-generaal Rob Pietersz begin 2009 een feitenonderzoek. Deze werd uitgevoerd door de Landsrecherche. Vorige week maakte het Openbaar Ministerie (OM) bekend dat ‘de uitlatingen van Croes niet bewezen konden worden’. Croes is echter nog steeds overtuigd van zijn gelijk. “Ik ben het niet eens met het rapport wat het OM heeft afgegeven”, besluit de oud-minister.


Vander Straten's Name is Cleared.

PG over feitenonderzoek Holloway:‘Geen bewijs negatieve rol Van der Straten’
10 Jul, 2010, 12:10 (GMT -04:00)


ORANJESTAD — Er is geen bewijs gevonden dat de vermeende relatie tussen oud-korpschef Jan van der Straten en de familie Van der Sloot, een negatieve rol heeft gespeeld in het onderzoek naar de vermissing van Natalee Holloway. Dit liet procureur-generaal Rob Pietersz gistermiddag weten.

door onze verslaggever
Alex Laclé

Uitlatingen van voormalig Justitie-minister Rudy Croes (MEP) eind 2008 waren voor het Openbaar Ministerie (OM) aanleiding om een feitenonderzoek te beginnen naar de beginfase van het onderzoek naar de verdwijning van Holloway. Volgens Croes zou Van der Straten het onderzoek tijdens het cruciale beginstadium bewust hebben gehinderd. “De uitlatingen van Croes konden echter niet worden bewezen”, zegt advocaat-generaal Taco Stein tegen Amigoe. “Ook een relatie tussen Van der Straten en Van der Sloot bleek er niet te zijn.”

In een reactie aan deze krant zegt voormalig hoofdcommissaris Jan van der Straten ‘erg blij’ te zijn met de conclusies van het rapport. “Ik en mijn gezin zijn ernstig geschaad door de uitlatingen van Croes en de daaropvolgende berichtgeving in de media. Mijn goede naam is besmeurd.” Overigens benadrukt hij dat het verdriet wat zijn familie is aangedaan, in het niet valt bij het verdriet van de familie Holloway. Van der Straten werd naar eigen zeggen als directe betrokkene, al eerder door het OM geïnformeerd over de conclusies van het feitenonderzoek. Of de oud-korpschef ook op de hoogte is gebracht van de inhoud van het volledige rapport, wilde hij niet zeggen. “Dat is zo afgesproken met het Openbaar Ministerie. Ik ga niets over de inhoud zeggen.” Advocaat-generaal Stein zegt dat Van der Straten ‘iets meer weet’ over de inhoud van het eindrapport maar geen inzage heeft gehad.

Bij de start van het feitenonderzoek werd aangekondigd dat de resultaten hiervan in hoofdlijnen bekend worden gemaakt na afronding van dit onderzoek. In februari van dit jaar werd bekend dat het eindrapport van de Landsrecherche bij het OM lag. Procureur-generaal Pietersz, die het feitenonderzoek begin 2009 instelde, wilde toen nog niet reageren ‘omdat het rapport eerst intern moet worden besproken’. Met de recente berichtgeving is deze zaak voor het OM afgedaan. “We zien geen reden om hiermee verder te gaan.”

De Holloway-zaak kwam recentelijk weer volop in de belangstelling door de arrestatie van Joran van der Sloot in Peru. De 22-jarige zit daar in voorarrest op verdenking van de roofmoord op Stephany Flores op 31 mei. Opmerkelijk genoeg werd de moord op Flores exact vijf jaar na de verdwijning van Natalee Holloway gepleegd. Holloway verdween in 2005 na een avond stappen in nachtclub Carlos and Charlies. Joran was de laatste die haar heeft gezien. Hij is nog altijd hoofdverdachte in deze zaak.


zaterdag 10 juli 2010

Joran Van Der Sloot Trying To Use Legal Loophole To Get Out Of Jail

Lawyers for suspected killer Joran van der Sloot are trying to take advantage of a Peruvian legal loophole to get him sprung out of jail, can reveal.

Although the 22-year-old Dutch national confessed to killing Stephany Flores Ramirez, 21, they are requesting that he be released from prison while he fights the charges.

His defense has appealed the arrest warrant that the Peruvian justice issued to jail van der Sloot at the maximum security prison Miguel Castro Castro, where he is being housed.

In Peru, all lawyers make this appeal for their defendants, trying to obtain what Peruvian law calls mandato de comparecencia, meaning defendants are set free, but need to stay in Lima and attend court every week or house arrest.

Van der Sloot's appeal will be evaluated by the court in the next few days, although Peruvian legal experts believe that it is likely that it will be denied.

While van der sloot confessed to murdering Flores Ramirez, he later recanted, and has not publicly commented on the charges. He remains a suspect in the disappearance of American teenager Natalee Holloway in Aruba back in May of 2005, although he has not been charged with any wrongdoing.

He has been receiving regular visits from a mystery female at the notorious Miguel Castro Castro prison, and can also reveal that he has been inundated with romantic proposals from other women too.

Van der Sloot was slated to undergo more psychological testing in the prison this week.

According to, a team of experts were to visit the accused killer Tuesday and Wednesday as part of the criminal proceedings unfolding against the Dutchman. Van der Sloot's Peruvian attorney said that the defense will submit their own psychological profiles on him, dating back to his childhood.

As previously reported, a forensic psychologist who examined van der Sloot late last month concluded the accused killer is sane, but "devalues the female figure."

Van der Sloot is accused of killing student Stephany Flores Ramirez May 30, 2010 in a blood splattered Peru Hotel room after she allegedly looked at his computer, and saw emails related to the Holloway disappearance.


donderdag 8 juli 2010

What makes van der Sloot tick?

Birmingham, Al (WIAT) What makes Joran van der Sloot tick? Perhaps more urgently, is he a crazed pyscho killer preying on young women?

Although two grieving families, one in Peru and one here in Alabama, would like answers of their own, a team of Peruvian psychologists will be grilling van der Sloot at Lima's Castro Castro prison this week.

According to, a team of experts were to visit the accused killer this week as part of the criminal proceedings unfolding against the Dutchman. says Van der Sloot's Peruvian attorney said that the defense will submit their own psychological profiles on van der Sloot, dating back to his childhood.

As previously reported here on, van der Sloot's own mother has questioned his sanity.

Van der Sloot is accused of murdering 21 year old Stephany Flores....found dead in van der Sloot's Lima hotel room after spending time with him in a casino. Peruvian police have a ton of evidence including security camera video showing Flores going into the room but only van der Sloot coming back out. They also have a confession in which van der Sloot walked them through the murder scene. That's a confession he is now trying to have thrown out claiming coercion and improper legal representation.

Van der Sloot is also the prime suspect in disappearance in Aruba of Mountain Brook teenager Natalee Holloway five years ago. The last person known to be with Natalee? Joran van der Sloot. He was questioned but never charged by Aruban authorities.


woensdag 7 juli 2010

Rectification: RNW item concerning Joseph Tacopina

A report about Joran van der Sloot's legal defence published by Radio Netherlands Worldwide on Tuesday has been withdrawn.

It turns out that New York top lawyer Jospeh Tacopina has not decided to defend the Dutchman in Peru, where he is accused of murdering Stephany Flores. The lawyer did advise Mr Van der Sloot in 2005 after the disappearance of Natalee Holloway in Aruba.

Nor did Mr Tacopina defend the late US pop star Michael Jackson in court. He was a member of the singer's defence team in the abuse case brought against him.

RNW had based its report on information published by a Peruvian newspaper, El Comercio.


Joran wil zijn proces in vrijheid afwachten

LIMA - Joran van der Sloot heeft bij de rechter het verzoek ingediend om zijn proces in vrijheid te mogen afwachten. Justitie zal zijn verzoek in behandeling nemen. Dat meldde het Peruaanse radiostation RPP woensdag.

Joran van der Sloot vertrekt onder politiebegeleiding uit het Paleis van Justitie in Lima naar de gevangenis. ANPVan der Sloot wacht zijn proces af in de gevangenis Miguel Castro Castro in de Peruaanse hoofdstad Lima. Tijdens de eerste ondervraging op 21 juni zei hij niets. Met zijn stilzwijgen wilde hij bij justitie afdwingen dat zijn bekentenis voor de politie ongeldig zou worden verklaard. Een verzoek hiertoe wees de rechter onlangs af.

Inmiddels laat justitie Van der Sloot psychologisch onderzoeken om zijn verantwoordelijkheid voor de dood van Stephany Flores (21) vast te stellen. Hij wordt ervan verdacht deze Peruaanse vrouw op 30 mei in zijn hotelkamer in Lima te hebben vermoord. ( ANP)


Joran Van Der Sloot Undergoes More Psychological Evaluations

Suspected killer Joran van der Sloot was slated to undergo more psychological testing at Peru's Castro Castro prison this week, has learned.

Van der Sloot is the 22-year-old Dutchman accused of killing 21-year-old Stephany Flores Ramirez May 30, as well as a suspect in connection with the 2005 disappearance of Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway in Aruba.

According to, a team of experts were to visit the accused killer Tuesday and Wednesday as part of the criminal proceedings unfolding against the Dutchman. Van der Sloot's Peruvian attorney said that the defense will submit their own psychological profiles on van der Sloot, dating back to his childhood.

As previously reported, a forensic psychologist who examined van der Sloot late last month concluded the accused killer is sane, but "devalues the female figure."


dinsdag 6 juli 2010

Joran speelt hoofdrol in digitaal martelspel

LIMA (ANP) - De Nederlander Joran van der Sloot is onbedoeld de hoofdrolspeler in een dubieus spel op internet dat momenteel onder Peruanen populair is, zo meldden lokale media.

Het spel heet 'Joran folteren' en is op de markt gebracht door de website De bedoeling is Van der Sloot, die op een elektrische stoel zit, zo veel mogelijk schokken toe te brengen. Wie hem tot een bekentenis dwingt, heeft gewonnen. Maar als Van der Sloot het leven laat, heeft de speler de game verloren.

De 22-jarige Nederlander wordt verdacht van de moord op de 21-jarige Stephany Flores in Peru. Hij zit nu vast in de Peruaanse Miguel Castro Castro-gevangenis in Lima. In 2005 werd Van der Sloot verdacht van betrokkenheid bij de verdwijning van de Amerikaanse Natalee Holloway op Aruba.


America wants Joran

maandag 5 juli 2010

Joran van der Sloot krijgt zelfde advocaat Michael Jackson

Joran van der Sloot, die verdacht wordt van moord op de Peruaanse vrouw, Tatiana Flores Stephany Ramirez, krijgt voor zijn proces, dat in september van start gaat, advocaat Joseph Tacopina toegewezen die ook strafpleiter was voor Michael Jackson. Dit meldt de Peruaanse krant Peru 21.

Naast Tacopina zullen er nog twee andere advocaten deel uitmaken van de verdediging van Joran van der Sloot. Tacopina was overigens ook al Jorans advocaat in de zaak van de verdwenen Natalee Holloway.

Het trio advocaten zal voor vrijspraak pleiten. Volgens Tacopina is het reëel dat er een derde is betrokken bij de moord op de Peruaanse Stephany Flores


zondag 4 juli 2010

Joran van der Sloot klaagt advocaat aan

AMSTERDAM - Joran van der Sloot heeft zijn advocate, die hem bijstond bij zijn bekentenis van de moord op Stephany Flores tijdens een politieverhoor, aangeklaagd.

Dat heeft zijn huidige advocaat Maximo Altez bekengemaakt. Hij diende vrijdag de aanklacht in tegen de advocate Luz Romero Chinchay.

Zij heeft Van der Sloot volgens Altez niet op de juiste manier bijgestaan en wordt verdacht van machtsmisbruik en samenzwering.

Volgens Altez deed Chinchay zich voor als een advocaat die Van der Sloot door de staat was toegewezen, terwijl zij eigenlijk een privé advocaat is. Altez wil weten wie haar heeft betaald.


Volgens de Peruaanse wet wordt een verdachte die zich niet zelf door een advocaat laat bijstaan, een advocaat toegewezen van het ministerie van justitie. Chinchay staat volgens Altez niet op een lijst met advocaten van het ministerie. Ook de politiechef Miguel Canella, die het verhoor leidde, is door Altez aangeklaagd.

Een Peruaanse rechter verwierp vorige week vrijdag de claim van Van der Sloot die zegt dat zijn aanvankelijke bekentenis onder druk werd gedaan.

Van der Sloot zou 7 juni de moord op Flores in een hotelkamer in de Peruaanse hoofdstad Lima hebben bekend. Als hij wordt veroordeeld, ziet hij een celstraf van tussen de 15 en 35 jaar tegemoet.


Van der Sloot files suit against initial lawyer

LIMA, Peru — Joran van der Sloot has sued the lawyer who represented him during a police interrogation on the day that authorities say the Dutchman confessed to killing a Peruvian woman, his current attorney said Saturday.

Maximo Altez told The Associated Press he filed suit Friday charging attorney Luz Romero Chinchay with misrepresentation, abuse of authority and conspiracy to commit a crime. Altez said the initial lawyer "pretended to be a public advocate when she is actually a private attorney."

"We have searched the name of Luz Romero Chinchay in the list of public defenders provided by the Ministry of Justice and her name was not on that list. We do not know why the police called this lawyer. We want to know who paid for her because my client did not," Altez said.

Under Peruvian law, a crime suspect who does not have private counsel is provided with a public defender who works for the Ministry of Justice.

Altez said he also has filed suit charging the same offenses against Col. Miguel Canlla, chief of the police homicide squad, who led the interrogation of Van der Sloot.

Neither Romero Chinchay nor Canlla could be reached for comment.

A motion by Van der Sloot seeking to throw out his confession was dismissed June 25. Van der Sloot recanted the confession in a jailhouse interview with the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf, claiming it was made under duress.

On the night of June 7, police announced that Van der Sloot had confessed to the murder of Stephany Flores on May 30 in his Lima hotel room. The charge carries a maximum penalty of 15 to 35 years in prison.

Van der Sloot also remains the sole suspect in the unresolved 2005 disappearance of U.S. teen Natalee Holloway on the Caribbean island of Aruba.


vrijdag 2 juli 2010

Joran Van der Sloot Faces New Extortion Charges

Hup holland!

Van der Sloot Exclusive: Last Text Messages of Stephany Flores

NEW YORK (CBS) Police documents obtained exclusively by 48 Hours | Mystery show the last text messages sent and received by Joran van der Sloot's alleged Peruvian victim Stephany Flores.

The messages sent by Flores do not show her as concerned for her safety, and don't suggest that Flores had any idea of the tragedy about to befall her.

According to the documents, it was 3:06 a.m. May 30 when the young 21-year-old student unknowingly sent what would be her final text message to a friend stating she was "going up," and would call her friend "right away."

Hotel security surveillance video shows Flores and van der Sloot entering his room together around 5 a.m. that same day, and then shows van der Sloot leaving alone four hours later with his bags.

Unaware of Flores' fate, the friend sent four text messages checking in with Flores. On the night of May 30 at 10:39 p.m., the worried friend sent Flores a text concerned of her whereabouts, "Please respond...Where are you?"

No response was sent.

Transcriptions of the last voicemails received by Flores are also in the documents. After that text message, the same friend left two voicemails begging her Stephany to return her phone call. "It's really urgent that you call me they are looking for you everywhere," reads the first message. The phone records show eight missed calls on the slain student's phone the day after she was murdered, including one call from her mother and one from her father.

Loved ones tried to reach the missing student on June 1 to no avail. The final words to Flores in the document are a heartfelt text message from her friend: "Rest in peace. You are the best in my life. Thank you for everything."

Stephany Flores' death occurred exactly five years after Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway disappeared in Aruba. Van der Sloot confessed to fatally beating, strangling and suffocating Flores in a Peruvian hotel room, according to transcripts of his signed confession, which he has since recanted.

Explicit crime scene photos were previously obtained exclusively by 48 Hours | Mystery from sources close to the investigation and published exclusively by Crimesider. They show a severely beaten Flores, her body badly bruised, her clothes stained with blood.


Father of slain Peruvian student hopes others learn from her death

Lima, Peru (CNN) -- Hours after he spoke to a judge for the first time about his daughter's killing, Stephany Flores' father told family and friends at a memorial service that he hoped others would learn from her death.

Ricardo Flores said Wednesday he had sheltered his children too much from the evils of the world.

"Sometimes we're wrong, and I have been wrong a lot. Because I have permitted my kids to know the good, and not the bad. My kids have everything, but also we have to take away from them sometimes," he said. "Don't commit the error that I made."

Authorities say 21-year-old Stephany Flores was killed a month ago. Dutch citizen Joran van der Sloot was charged with first-degree murder and robbery after authorities found Flores' body in a Lima, Peru, hotel room registered to him.

Ricardo Flores, who helped search for his daughter when she didn't come home May 30 after a night out at a casino, gave a formal statement about the facts surrounding the case to a judge Wednesday.

Later in the day, about 300 people gathered at a Lima temple for the memorial service. Peru's National Police Chorus sang "Eternal Love" while a slideshow of photographs flashed on a projector screen. Longtime friends remembered Stephany Flores as "a great friend" with a "contagious smile."

Stephany Flores came from a privileged family, but was a humble person who was extremely giving, friends told CNN.

She once wrote a list of 23 businesses that she wanted to do well in, and then checked them off one by one as she decided whether she was really interested in pursuing them.

At the time of her death, Flores had told her friends she was the happiest she had ever been, they said.

Van der Sloot was twice arrested in connection with the disappearance of Alabama teen Natalee Holloway in Aruba in 2005, but he has not been charged in that case.

Police said van der Sloot admitted that he attacked Flores on May 30 after she read an e-mail in his computer connected with the Holloway case.

After killing Flores, police say, van der Sloot took money and bank cards from her wallet and fled to Chile, where he was arrested June 3.

He was returned the next day to Peru.

Van der Sloot is being held at the Miguel Castro Castro Prison in a high-security area where only two of the 10 cells are occupied. He has no contact with the general prison population.

Van der Sloot's attorney filed an appeal Wednesday to a ruling that upheld the admissibility of his client's confession and the legality of his detention.


Remembering the life of Stephany Flores

Lima, Peru – Almost 300 people filled a Lima temple Wednesday, to remember Stephany Flores on the one month anniversary of her death. Flores' father, Ricardo Flores, told friends and family who attended the memorial that parents can learn from the death of his daughter.

"Sometimes we're wrong and I have been wrong a lot. I have permitted my kids to know the good and not the bad; my kids have everything but also we have to take away from them sometimes," Flores said in Spanish.

Flores choked up at the end of his brief address as he asked members of Peru's National Police Chorus to sing "Eternal Love" while a series of photographs depicting his daughter from childhood to adulthood flashed on a projector screen.

One of Flores' longtime friends remembered the 21-year-old as "a great friend" with a "contagious smile." Alexandra Infante said Flores was nicknamed "Flowers."

Carolina Jorge, a sister-in-law of Flores, described the 21-year-old as always being filled with love and happiness. Flores' younger brother, Ricardo Flores Ramirez, read a passage from Isaiah. The hour long service was one of three held on Wednesday. It took place at, Al Templo de la Alianza Cristiana y Misionera de Monterrico, the temple where Stephany's mother worships.


Joran van der Sloot fears for his life

Joran van der Sloot, who is suspected of murdering Peruvian woman Stephany Flores, fears he could be murdered in the Lima prison where he is awaiting trial. A Dutch television programme has revealed that he said this to prison director Rubén Rodrigues Rabanal. On Wednesday, US Public Prosecution Office also officially charged the Dutchman with extortion.

Van der Sloot has been portrayed in the Peruvian press as a ruthless killer. Shortly after he was handed over to the Peruvian authorities, he was besieged by an angry crowd at a police station in Lima.

Mr Rabanal says that Van der Sloot asked to be put in solitary confinement because he fears being murdered. He avoids going to the exercise yard, and for fear of being poisoned, he only accepts food from the guards, not from fellow detainees.

His fellow prisoners dismiss Van der Sloot’s fears. One even says Van der Sloot is now one of them and is safe. He should just join in with the activities.

The Miguel Castro Castro prison in Lima where Van der Sloot has been held for the last three weeks, is notorious. More than 1500 prisoners are held in barracks built for 700 people. There are regular riots. Mr Rabanal says a stay in his own prison is “dangerous”.

The Dutch pastor Joop Spoor, who visits Dutch detainees in foreign prisons, reiterates that lawlessness reigns in Castro Castro. Violence and stabbings are a daily occurrence.

The Dutch television crew were given an extensive tour of the complex, but were not allowed to speak to Van der Sloot. The Dutchman reportedly only allows his mother to visit his cell.

Trial procedure
The president of the Lima court, Ceasar Javier Vega Vega expects it to be some time before Joran van der Sloot’s trial begins. The fact that the murder suspect is using his right to silence, is hampering the investigation according to the court.

Van der Sloot’s lawyer, Maximo Altez, says Van der Sloot denies killing the Peruvian woman. He has withdrawn an earlier confession.

Natalee Holloway
On Wednesday, the US Public Prosecution Office filed official charges against Joran van der Sloot for extortion. He is accused of demanding 250,000 dollars from Natalee Holloway’s mother in exchange for revealing the location of her body.

Joran van der Sloot is the main suspect in the case of US high school graduate Natalee Holloway who disappeared five years ago in Aruba. However, he has never appeared in court for the case due to a lack of evidence.


Joran Van Der Sloot Pretended To Be A Model Scout To Kidnap Thai Sex Slaves

Joran van der Sloot, who confessed to killing 21-year-old Peruvian Stefany Flores, is under investigation in Bangkok for his possible involvement in the disappearance of several young Thai women who are believed to have been kidnapped and forced into the sex trade. A source in the Bangkok police force tells The Enquirer that he is being investigated due to his 2008 involvement in a Thai sex trade sting. Van der Sloot, while living in Bangkok, was busted for pretending to be a "production coordinator" for a bogus modeling agency in Holland as a ploy to round up unwitting young women. Van der Sloot had fake business cards printed up under the name of Murphy Jenkens, telling women he could get them modeling and dancing jobs abroad. When he phoned a friend back in Amsterdam to try and get a contact to sell them to, the friend turned him over to Dutch journalist Peter de Vries. The rest is journalistic history as de Vries performed a hidden camera sting on van der Sloot in a Bangkok hotel that exposed his scam.


donderdag 1 juli 2010

Joran aangeklaagd voor afpersen moeder Natalee

BIRMINGHAM - Joran van der Sloot is in Alabama officieel aangeklaagd, omdat hij de moeder van het vermiste meisje Natalee Holloway zou hebben afgeperst. Dat heeft het Openbaar Ministerie in de Amerikaanse staat woensdag (lokale tijd) bekendgemaakt.

Volgens de aanklacht eiste Joran een bedrag van 250.000 dollar (ruim 200.000 euro) van de moeder van Natalee. In ruil voor dat geld zou hij de locatie van haar lichaam onthullen. Een deel van het geld heeft Joran al gekregen. Daarmee zou hij girale fraude hebben gepleegd, een ander punt in de tenlastelegging.

Natalee, afkomstig uit Alabama, verdween op 30 mei 2005 op Aruba. Joran is hoofdverdachte in de zaak. Momenteel zit Joran vast in een gevangenis in Peru. Op 30 mei, exact vijf jaar na de verdwijning van Natalee, zou hij een jonge Peruaanse vrouw hebben vermoord. Joran heeft de moord toegegeven, maar probeert de bekentenis ongeldig te laten verklaren, tot dusverre tevergeefs.


Federal Grand Jury Indicts Joran Van der Sloot For Wire Fraud, Extortion

BIRMINGHAM, AL - Wednesday, a federal grand jury indicted Joran van der Sloot on charges of wire fraud and extortion for soliciting money from Natalee Holloway's mother on promises he would reveal the location of her daughter's remains in Aruba and the circumstances of her 2005 death.

U.S. Attorney Joyce White Vance and FBI Special Agent in Charge Patrick Maley announced the indictment on Wednesday.
"I want to applaud the FBI's work on this case," Vance said. "The FBI worked diligently, and in association with Aruban authorities, to investigate and gather evidence in this matter after learning that Beth Holloway had been contacted and told she could finally gain information about the death of her daughter if she would pay $250,000," Vance said. "Because of the agents' dedicated efforts, we are able to bring charges against someone who sought profit in a mother's grief."

Natalee Holloway, a resident of Mountain Brook, Ala., was last seen alive on May 30, 2005, while in the country of Aruba. The 18-year-old was in the company of van der Sloot the day she disappeared.

The two-count indictment filed in U.S. District Court charges van der Sloot with extortion for exploiting Beth Holloway's fear that she would never find her daughter's body or know what happened to her unless she paid him $250,000.

The indictment also charges van der Sloot with wire fraud for using false promises that he would reveal the location of Natalee Holloway's body in order to induce Beth Holloway to make wire transfers of money.

According to the indictment, van der Sloot caused Beth Holloway to wire $15,000 from her bank in Birmingham to his account at a bank in the Netherlands. The indictment also charges that he caused her to wire $10,000 to lawyer John Q. Kelly in New York so that Kelly could later carry that money to Aruba and deliver it to van der Sloot in person. The indictment identifies Kelly as an advisor and legal representative of Beth Holloway who served as her intermediary with van der Sloot.

The indictment describes how van der Sloot's scheme to defraud Natalee Holloway's mother proceeded as follows:

After van der Sloot initially contacted Kelly and said he would reveal the location of Natalee Holloway's remains for $250,000, he later agreed to lead Kelly to the site of her remains for $25,000. Once identification of the remains was confirmed, Beth Holloway was to pay the remaining $225,000 to van der Sloot.

Van der Sloot received the $25,000 from Beth Holloway and led Kelly to a specific site in Aruba. He identified the site as the location where Natalee Holloway's remains were buried, although he knew that information was false.

Van der Sloot kept the $25,000, but later confirmed by e-mail that the information he had provided was "worthless."

The indictment seeks forfeiture of $25,100 from van der Sloot. That amount includes $100 Beth Holloway initially wired to the Netherlands bank to confirm van der Sloot's account.
